Thursday, November 25, 2010


Things I am thankful for in no particular order:
silly people
anyone willing to be the big spoon
the cool spots hidden in the middle of the sheets
finding socks that match
enjoying socks that don't match
really good neck pops
late night conversations
my laptop
Riana's little vacuum cleaner
old pictures
documentation of past events
the smell of laundry outside
proximity of good food
the fact that my dorm is close to a dryer vent and our cafeteria
affectionate nuzzles from my sister
comfortable sitting positions
finished to-do lists
throw pillows
Jones soda
the fact that the Crusades are over
insect repellant
unexpected good grades
peace with unexpected bad grades
dermatological abnormalities
surprise packages in the mail
picture text messages
intranational travel
international travel
the way babies' stomachs poke out
second chances
millionth chances
second winds
the pain in the gut after a good laugh
all types of pie
good recipes
dirtiness but only from dirt and mud
reciprocated hugs
well-fitting clothing
Josiah, Julie, Jonathan, Angela, TJ, Mom, Dad, Pete, Anderson Cooper


Thursday, November 18, 2010

I am in college now.

Every now and then, it hits me as I walk down the sidewalk that runs next to the quad, with the leaves in full peak of color and a breeze blowing the weather vane that rests on top of one of the halls. I AM IN COLLEGE. ...what? Yes, college.
I passed a group of elementary students on a field trip to the Carlos Museum, eating lunch on this same quad about a month ago. They couldn't have been older than 8. One little girl pulled on her teacher's sleeve and, her pigtails swinging from the motion of craning her neck to look the woman in the eye, asked very matter-of-factly, "Will we get to go to school here soon?"
I thought back on times when I, too, was waiting what seemed like an eternity for this moment, and wonder how I managed to get this far without completely realizing it.
Self, I said to myself, remember this moment.
Do I?
I can't remember.

I am nearly 1/8 done with college. Then I have to go to the real world.
"Crap" I think to myself... "I'm still sleeping under Disney princess sheets."
There are 24 hours in a day. I spend 5-7 of them sleeping, on a good night. What do I do with the rest of my time? Where does it go? Homework, yes, class, yes, fun, yes, eating, yes- Okay, but in what proportion? I don't know, and I'm not even planning on taking a math class for my whole college career, so I couldn't tell you.
But then I realize, if I'm happy with my life but I can't remember exact moments that made me that way from a month that such a bad thing? (as a side note: Don't misunderstand me, please- it's not blackouts that are causing these memory lapses. The strongest thing you'll find in my solo cup is Sprite mixed with lemonade.) No, I think it's just that my life flows seamlessly, with the deep late-night conversations, the frisbee on the quad, the ridiculous chemistry tests, the hours of reading, the procrastination-induced cleaning, the brief trips home, the fleeting skype conversations, the silly dancing, the off-key singing, the rain boots, the racquetball, the impromptu jam sessions, the harried (and also the intentional) prayers, the piles of laundry, the cactus I need to be watering, the getting-used-to it takes with closing your blinds when you change, the midnight snacks, the love-hate relationship I have developed with my laptop, and the pages of notes hardly legible for the doodles running together in one harmonious blend.
Maybe this forgetfulness is a side effect of living in the moment. Who can say. But I don't care so much about pinpointing my life in monuments looking back on it. If I follow it as it goes, I don't miss a thing.